
Customer journeys are unique and don't follow a linear pathway. An approach is to create an experience which will support a multitude of customer behaviors and journeys. 
Aim to support visitors at each step of their user journey by blending brand and product content together, to deliver a functional and persuasive homepage. 


Lead Designer & Art Director

Focus Areas

Customer Experience, User Experience, User-Aesthetic Motion and UI


Reaktor B.V.

User Experience and Design Rationale

Informed, inspired and enticed through action-based CTA’s, without disturbance in the flow. 

Polestar wants reinvent the art of travel and improve the society we live in. It’s the promise of a new world, free of legacy. It speaks to car buyers and curious minds alike.

Visitors are at very different phases of the purchase journey - the primary objective is to help them learn about their options and guide them to whatever their next step may be.

Essentially, the design approach is geared to inspire, engage and convert. Experiential – without compromising trust or usability, while allowing for future improvements to increase conversion.

4 areas for improvement.
These areas come together to better deliver a more impactful experience and clearer narrative.

The right balance between brand and product, promise and detail. Showcase the product, yet communicate the brand values and overall Polestar story.

Continuous flow, breaking the rigid sections and striving for a fluid, connected and enjoyable user experience.

Leave a lasting impression. Making the assets and content work harder through sophisticated and purposeful animation we are able to present moments of clarity.

Connecting CTA’s to the story, increasing engagement and informed click-throughs. 

Design principles.

Show, don’t tell.

The homepage should first and foremost give space to showcase the product, with minimum amount of noise or clutter. Product imagery and product specific content should be used sparingly and carefully considered.
Taking inspiration from Polestar spaces, we aimed to design an experience that offers visitors a sense of calmness, build’s an emotional connection with the brand and leaves an everlasting first impression that’s uniquely Polestar.

Design principles.

Rich and fluid CX

Creating a rich and fluid CX that keeps the audience scrolling and engaged requires smart, bold design decisions and a level-up in design execution. Aiming to inspire customers by delivering an immersive experience meant that we further explored Polestar’s brand language, used a mix of visual assets and experimented with layout. The final result, we believe, is an overall experience that’s memorable and delivers on the vision as a “state of the art customer experience”.

Design principles.

Be purposeful and contextual.

Each content section needs to cater relevant content that takes into account the visitors location at the very least. When presenting content we aim to build confidence with the customer, not bury them with choices or overload them with too much information.

By asking ourselves what is the aim of this section? How does it help the customer progress? And why does Polestar exist? We begin to take customers from awareness to consideration. Our design combines digestible purposeful titles with additional body copy, so if you’re scanning or reading the customer can always move forward.